Tuesday, March 29, 2011

On aging....and other natural occurences

PhotobucketI never thought much about aging when I was younger. By younger I guess I mean pre-30's. I never felt my age, and my body seemed to behave exactly as it did when I was in my teens's...boy oh boy am I getting a wake up call!

One morning I woke up and it seemed that my legs were just a little stiff. I was moving just a little slower. People I know probably did not even notice any difference in me..but I sure did.
Are they making the eyes of needles smaller these days? Has the size of the print in the newspaper been altered to force me to squint or reach for those handy dandy spectacles? Hey...where did those bags come from under my eyes?!?!? They used to tell me that "it must be jelly cuz jam don't shake like that"...now I think I have too much jelly and rolls to go with it!Photobucket

I'm not mad though..I really have no reference point because I have never been old before. I don't quite know what to make of the extra 10 pounds that just seemed to appear on my behind. I wish the old folks had prepared me for this transition. I'm grateful, as well as lucky, to have been blessed to reach my age.

Parents are always willing to guide their children through the various stages of development such as infancy, puberty, adolescence, and even young adulthood; but when it comes to providing guidance on aging...the parents seem to keep their wisdom to themselves. Nevermind that they've been there and done that...it seems that aging in this society is a solitary experience.

I wish my mother, father, aunts and uncles had shared a little more about this whole aging thing. Nobody told me that my bladder would have a mind of it's own, or that my once loved spicy food would send me running for the antacid! Aging is a natural occurence of life. Our bodies change and morph throughout all the days of our lives. When we are in our teens and twenties the idea of aging is as foreign to us as a gorilla living at the North Pole.

Aging just sort of sneaks up on you....just when you least expect it! I can hardly wait for the next chapter.

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