Monday, August 23, 2010


Plus Size Lingerie at

Weave Pictures, Images and PhotosI love the beauty supply store. This is a place that sells magic waiting to happen! Only in a beauty supply store can you find the goods that will transform the average looking girl into a Beyonce’ Knowles look-a-like…..and all it takes is some hair color….and a few packs of wonderful…wonderful weave.

hair weave Pictures, Images and PhotosOh yes..weave…let’s talk about weave! Give me a number 1...yaki straight, or maybe I’ll get a curly look this time. The possiblities are endless. I can get it glued in..sewed in…thermal bonded..or braided. I can look any way I want to….and all of it’s for sale right in my handy dandy beauty supply store. I can even buy a whole wig…..half wig…or lace front??!?!? Whew!

Makeup…body paint…glitter…beads…barrettes and all sorts of lotions and potions are there at the beauty supply store. You can find shoes…boots…body piercing jewelry…and all sorts of exotic body enhancements.

I can buy lingerie, fishnets, jeggings, and the very latest sensuous items to titillate my significant other. I can wear gold, silver, bronze, ebony or ivory….The sky’s the limit!

I have a 20 year old daughter, and I can’t remember the last time she talked about getting her own hair done…which by the way is beautiful and healthy. When she talks about getting her hair done, it inevitably includes a trip to the beauty supply store to buy perms, weave, bonding glue, spritz, gel and anything else she thinks she needs to acquire the “LOOK”. She’s had pink hair, blue hair, purple hair, orange hair, and platinum blonde! I don’t even remember her real hair color.

I don’t quite understand the fascination with weave. It’s expensive, it’s difficult to maintain, it’s not real, and men don’t like it. I’ve heard too many men express this thought…they say they just “put up with it cuz that’s what their girls do!” Crazy huh???
Mother Natures Hair Styles Pictures, Images and Photos

Now don't get your panties twisted ladies...I have nothing against weave...or your right to wear it. I'm only proud of your own is your "crowning glory"! There is nothing more beautiful to me than a natural head of healthy hair.
Afro Pictures, Images and Photos
I know many of us better hope that heaven has beauty supply stores! Our loved ones may not recognize us with our natural …heavenly hairdo’s!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Plus Size Lingerie at

MySpace Graphics
Fantasia Barrino Graphics & Fantasia Barrino Pictures
MySpace Graphics
Fantasia Barrino Graphics & Fantasia Barrino Pictures

Former American Idol winner Fantasia Barrino tried to take her own life after her married boyfriend Antwaun Cook called-off their relationship.

The stress of the break-up , plus the fact that Cook's wife Paula filed a complaint against the singer accusing her of sleeping with her husband caused the performer to snap.

A North Carolina police report revealed that Barrino attempted to commit suicide with ‘possible internal injuries’ after ‘ingesting medication’ at her home in Glynwoor Lakes on Monday night.

Barrino has now been released from the hospital. Antwaun was fed-up with all the drama and called the relationship off with Fantasia. She begged him not to leave her but he wouldn’t listen.

He has not gone back to his wife either but Fantasia was still devastated because she believed they had a future together.

She was also stressed-out about the complaint filed by his wife but her relationship with Antwaun has been rocky for the past few months.

Fantasia had gotten herself involved in a war of words with Paula Cook over him and there were several nasty phone calls between the two women.

It is also true that a sex tape exists and although Fantasia’s people will try and put a spin on the story, it has become really messy.

Fantasia got really possessive of Antwaun but he was never willing to fully commit to her – she even got a tattoo with his name before getting it covered-up.

The sad part is that there are kids involved with both sides.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Photobucket After the skinny jean, the latest pants to take the fashion world by storm are the jeggings.

Jegging is a cross between a pair of jeans and leggings, a new season trend that is being adopted across the board and on many a runway.

The jegging style is a more comfortable alternative to skinny jeans and a more modest and stylish alternative to wearing leggings as pants.

PhotobucketWomen are wearing leggings like they are pants and they are not; the jegging is a legging that is meant to be worn as a pant.

If you wear them in black or a dark denim it's fine to wear them as a pant but in a lighter wash you'd probably wear them as a legging.

Jeggings is not a style for everyone.

Everyone cannot do every fashion but I think that jeggings can be adapted to suit just about everyone. It's about proportions, you can do a few tricks and illusions with a wedge heel, a tunic top, a long cardigan or mini-dress or skirt.

Jeggings are quite often printed with belt loops, pockets, buttons and zips and are designed to look like a super skinny pair of jeans.

While they might be more comfortable than skinny jeans, they give wearers no room to hide.

They are designed to suit all ages when they're styled appropriately.

So come on ladies...LET'S GET JEGGIE WITH IT!

Plus Size Lingerie at

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Violence Pictures, Images and Photos I have always considered myself to be a person who can listen to the news of the day without bias, but some of the things that have happened over the course of the last couple weeks has got me thinking...Is violence the way folks are reacting to problems in their lives?

A worker who was terminated for stealing in New Hampshire opened fire on his former co-workers and killed many of them. The shooter cited "racism in the workplace as his motivation for the carnage. Whether or not his reasoning was real or imagined...did his violent act solve any problems?

Two women were brutally murdered here in Cleveland recently. No one can say what drove their murderers to act, we can only see that it was a violent reaction to some real or imagined problem. Is it becoming easier to kill one another? Does the media glorify violence in film, videos, music and print? Do the viloent video games that kids play set them up to be assassins, dope dealers, pimps and car thieves? I say all of the above contribute to the attitude that violent reactions are "ok".

The world has really changed since I was a kid. When we had a beef with might result in fisticuffs, but nowdays kids will arm themselves with guns, knives or someother deadly weapon. The stringent security measures at schools today is testament to that fact. School administrators, faculty and parents are afraid of the students. This is nuts! Violence in the schools is running rampant.

I know that it is a different world today...with different challenges, but is the answer more violence? Violence begats violence.

On a personal niece was witness to a violent car-jacking just last night. She was in her car one block from a police station, when an old jeep came out of nowhere and cut the mercedes benz in front of her off. A hooded thug ran out of a doorway with a gun and told the driver of the benz to "give it up!", which he did. My niece was quick to call 911... after being transferred to three different dispatchers she reported the incident. The inefficiency of the 911 system here in Cleveland is legendary...but that's a whole other blog!

I tell you this story just to further talk about violence in the streets. It is everywhere...and I for one am sick of it. I used to say.."Oh, it's not as bad as people say", but it actually is worse. No more bleeding heart for me. If you do the deed...then let the punishment fit the crime. AN EYE FOR AN EYE...A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH..NUFF SAID...