Now I know it's the right thing to do to try to go green and save our planet’s resources for the next generations, but has anybody told that to the giants of retail industry or the fast food giants? I advocate placing restrictions on their manufacturing, merchandising, and distribution of commodities that would force them to go green too!
I try very hard to conserve water. I separate paper from plastic. I recycle and re-use whenever I’m able. I even bought re-usable grocery bags for shopping. I keep my car tuned up so as not to help pollute the atmosphere….so you can imagine how I feel when I see fillet of fish plastic McDonald’s boxes blowing across the road! It’s not just McDonalds…I just used them as an example….There are millions of fast food chains who are guilty of the same practices. Blatant disregard for the concept of “going green”!
Why doesn’t the government go after them to create a more planet friendly method for wrapping their food? What’s wrong with just wrapping it in plain paper? It really wouldn’t matter much to the consumer…cuz we’re gonna eat it just as fast as possible anyway!
Another thing that fries my bacon is those flimsy, little cheap bags that you get when you buy something. Why are those necessary? You see them littering the streets everyday...flying across the road...stuck on trees! Those bags are not biodegradable…they’ll be here for years….and years…and years….and years! What’s wrong with a good ol’ paper sack? It will break down in a matter of months and replenish the earth….soooooo!
The government has spent billions of dollars in an effort to educate the public about the need for “going green” I got the message…..but big business and industry must have been absent from class that day…or they just CUT CLASS altogether!
I'm sick of big brother telling me to go green...when the giants of commerce and industry could care less.
So yeah….The concept of going green has got me seeing red!
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