Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Love Thy Neighbor Pictures, Images and PhotosI've always considered myself to be a good neighbor. I keep my yard well maintained. I keep any noise down. I don't throw wild parties. I'm not a nosey busybody all up in my neighbor's business. I try to truly follow the scripture and love my neighbors...but

There is one neighbor of mine who has a dog that barks non-stop! I mean from sun up til sundown this animal does not give it a rest. He must need some attention. He's gotta be pretty stupid too..he shoulda figured out a long time time ago that his barking ain't getting him nowhere. Does my neighbor love me?

Then there's the lady who tells me..."I wish you would quit putting trash in my yard!" Point is...I don't even put any trash outside because we live in a heavily wooded area and the creatures around here can tear up the strongest cans and trash bags. I told this neighbor that the trash she's finding might have come from the wind...but she don't want to hear that. She's convinced that me and my family sneak over there in the middle of the night and deposit potato chip bags in her yard!

Does this neighbor love me?

Lord...give me strength!

Oh yeah...and then there's the neighborhood perverts who stare at my adolescent grand-daughters, with their mouths hanging open, when they're in my backyard in the pool. I really have to stretch to love them, cuz they sure ain't showin no love or respect!

Like I said...I try to love my neighbors...but sometimes the neighbors just ain't so lovable!


  1. Dear Flo, I feel you about the neighbors,I have some issues of my own! I have some neighbors across the street(young couple) who play music from their car when hey have guests and I swear it feels like the music is on full blast inside MY home! It shakes the walls and I can barely concentrate on anything while they are entertaining OUTSIDE! Do they love me ? Hell no and they could care less about the elderly people who live right next door to them. Then there is my next door neighbor with her posse of killer cats! These animals post up on top of my car and look at me like i am the intruder when I shoo them away.They tear up my trash every thursday but upon further inspection I have noticed that they do not tear up their owners trash. It is untouched in the mornings.These cats are smart! and I think they have a vendetta against me! Paranoid? I think not.I too try to be a responsible caring neighbor but it's going to be awhile before I am able to stomache the club-like music everyday and the Killer cat posse posting up on my ride!

  2. Your comment is so funny. I'm still chuckling! I can only imagine what you must be going through. I especially liked your observation on the cat posse...What about I have a cat who feels the need to share everything she catches outside with me! She brings mice...birds and anything she happens to capture home to me. Needless to cat may be up for adoption very soon! Loved your post...very well you have a blog? Thanks for stopping by...come back anytime!
